Sun 26 Jan
TS Jacqueline Here View my site You Will Love Me Bottom Or Top - 23
(Hampton, Newport News, Suffolk, Coliseum Area)
Sultry Shemale Stylist! Lingerie haircut&massage.Temptress; Transexual! You try to resist but can't!! - 32
(Harrisonburg, STAUNTON 30 min from Hburg REAL AD!)
🚨🚨♨♨🚺VIDEO PROOF🚺🎉🎉LAST DAYs🚿🚿🚿CLICK HERE🚿🚿🚿🚿🚿🚿ALL WOMAN 🚿🚿🚿🎊🎊🛁🎉🎉🚺🚺♨♨🚨🚨 - 23
🌟SuPeR SexY 🌟CoLoMbIaN DoLLy! 💋ViSiTiNg💋 {{ SmAlL & CuRvY }} TiTe BoDy___👄 - 23
(Newport News, Incall LOC.____ NewportNews)
WaNnA tRy SoMeTh¡Ng NeW n N@UgHtY.. . TRuCKeRS WELComE .. ...EaRlY bIrD or LaTe NiGhT - 22
(Fredericksburg, fburg)
🌟SuPeR SexY 🌟CoLoMbIaN DoLLy! 💋ViSiTiNg💋 {{ SmAlL & CuRvY }} TiTe BoDy___👄 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News-williamsburg. In &out;)
♥ Sexy Hott ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i ve $ Specials$ - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk Chesapeake Virginia Beach)
Sultry Shemale Stylist! Lingerie Haircut& Massage Temptress Transexual You try to resist but can't!! - 32
(Harrisonburg, STAUNTON VA exit 222/I81 worth the drive)
💋💎💋💋Start Your Weekend WITH ME!!! Call ME NOW!! - 26
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Chesapeake)
💕 👑 Sweet👄🎀☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥ 🎀Upscαℓε❄College 🎀Chocalate💖 Beauty💟🏢🏩💝 - 23
(Virginia Beach, virginia beach va)
staying another day so u have 1 last chance with the grey eyes Dcups slim freaky beauty Amber - 19
(Newport News, Williamsburg incalls only)
SExy K i N K Y FREAk BOOTY & BrA!Nz BoDy InSaNe $1OO L0@D-BU$T - 23
(Virginia Beach, Shore Dr Great Neck & N Hampton blvd)
*** PR3TTY N" TH@ FaCe THiCk F@T AZZ* F@T*LiKe... WOW*SUP@ Fre@k* - 21
(Richmond, Bells rd. EXT($40specials)In/out)
NEW TO TOWN 💦SeXy💦ThIcK ~n~ JuiCy💦 hErE 2 FulFill Ur eVeRy FaNtAsY iN All wAyS - 26
(Hampton, Hampton incall only)
Slender Redhead, blue eyes Dreams Audrey ~ STOP! Tired of SLUMMING? Stick to your social class!
(Harrisonburg, Richmond, Roanoke, Roanoke - Lynchburg - Richmond)
KORI - CoMePlaYwithME! TaTtOoed BeaUtY, MaTuRe & DiScReeT 24hr SeRvice - 42
(Richmond, Richmond, Petersburg)
Sexy Blonde Bombshell Ready To Rock Your World 🎤🎤🎤💋💋🎤🎤💋💋🎤🎤💋💋🍦Toponly👍 💯✔7865056763 - 27
(Norfolk, Anywhere you are)
Qv SPECIAL 60! Kinky, erotic, soft, freaki brunette! Highest reviews♡♡ toe curling good time!♡♡ - 25
(Richmond, South Richmond i95 maury st exit)
positively reviewed -- honest -- unrushed -- discreet -- independent -- educated -- saner and safer - 26
(Richmond, Richmond incall and outcall)
*o°☆*:: BLoNDe BeauTY** AVaiLaBLe 1 NiGHT ONLY** 100 INCaLL SPeCiaLS *o°☆*:: - 22
NeW•°SEXXY°•♥ Ѽ APPLE Ѽ BUTTom BaBe【 CuRvY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【Cali Grl 】LiMiTeD TiMe ⇨ - 21
(Downtown Richmond, Richmond)
NeW ~ PreTTy *{GiVe -IT- a TRY}* BusTy* CuRvY* CuTiE* SeXy* cL@SsiE * $pEci@L - 19
(Richmond, in & out 100special)
New Pix **1000% REAL PIX*** 50💋special!!! ReadY& WillinG 2 please 24/7** Clean&Fun...; - 20
▀▄▀ █ ☆ █•: ▀▄___ ((( •♥• NEW! SENSUAL EXOTiC B0MBSHELL •♥• )))__180 specials•: ▀▄▀ █ ☆ █ - - 22
(Richmond, upscale incall)
❤️NEW IN TOWN 🍰🍰🍰 OOOOH DADDY Come Get all This CAKE🍰🍰🍰🍰 Let Me Please YOU 👅💦 - 20
(Richmond, Southside ❌AA under 35)
NUDE Voluptuous California Tantric Rubdown. $110 Special!!! - 24
(Richmond, Discreet Outcalls Richmond & Tri-Cities)
^^oO* !^ Juicy Lovely Curves on a Sexy Petite Ebony Sweetie! Specials!! Ummm - 19
(Richmond IN/OUT UR PLACE)
👑Onε of a kind 👑💜💋 Brεa†h†aK¡ηG sK¡LLεD V¡xεη 💋💜💎💎ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 💎💎 кιℓℓer🔫 Curves🚺👑 - 22
★NEW! Southern Doll ╚»Top 100°°° 1000% Real! Click╚» HERE 2 start an AMAZING Relationship! ★ - 21
(Richmond, Outcalls)
New💋 BlOnDe ☆☆Wonder Women 👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹100 SPECIAL- - 25
(Richmond, DownTown Richmond, Virginia)
❀❤❀☆ new girl come today 💢 ⭕️❌⭕️ 💢 SMOKING HOT girls ❶❶❶❀❤ 1000% Youngse ❤❀❶❶❶ The body 2⃣ body ⭕️❌ - 20
(Richmond, Richmond VA 23234)
❶❶❶❀❤❀❶❶❶ 💯 NEW IN TOWN ☆ SMOKING HOT girls ❶❶❶❀❤ 1000% Youngse ❤❀❶❶❶ The body 2⃣ body ☆ ❶8⃣0⃣3⃣5⃣6⃣7⃣0⃣6⃣0⃣3⃣ - 20
(Richmond, Richmond VA 23235)
NUDE Voluptuous California Tantric Rubdown. $100 Special!!! - 24
(Richmond, Discreet Outcalls Richmond & Tri-Cities)
🍰🍰🍰🍰 OOOOH DADDY Come Get all This CAKE🍰🍰🍰🍰 Let Me Please YOU 👅💦❗️ - 23
(Richmond, Upscale South incall)