Tue 07 Jan
NEW IN TOWN Sexy Ebony Goddess !!! Well Reviewed-- OUTCALL Only All Pics Are 100% REAL - 23
Gorgeous VIP Bombshell BACK IN RICHMOND for Discerning Men that Prefer QUALITY. For 3 Days ONLY - 25
(West End/ Innsbrook)
Gorgeous Bombshell BACK IN RICHMOND for Discerning Men that Prefer QUALITY. 2 Days ONLY - 25
(West End/ Innsbrook)
Mon 06 Jan
★$★•__ ▒DROP▒ ___ •★• ___ ▒DEAD▒ ___ •★• ___ ▒GORGE0US▒ ___ •★___ ▒HiGHL¥▒___ •★___▒GiFt - 25
(Chesapeake, chesapeakeportsmouth)
easy going white female, 36DD, is the pictures!!! 100% independent! - 34
(Hampton, virginia beach to williamsburg)
,yum yum come get you some Beautiful ,amazon total knockouts $$$$$special$$$ - 23
(Richmond, north blvd out calls in calls, out calls)
*********** You Cant Resist These SUGA WALLS ********** CALL CALI LOVE - 26
(Richmond, All of Richmond/InCalls)
lovely soft skin . BEAUTIFUL PETITE . blonde sexy passionate . NO RUSHING . great personality - 30
(Richmond surrounding area)
Mixed Bombshell!!! Dominican/ Hawaiian Beauty 100 special - 23
(Richmond, Richmond (incall/outcall) airport area)
Ms GOOD BOoty is Back.. Sexy, N@ughty, Freaky + Fun I Bet $he Cant Do It LIke ME Come C! - 26
(Richmond, call 4 info!!!!!)
$$40specials.. just what you need,come play today its our little secret... !!!! $$$ secret Rose $$ - 20
(Richmond, EastEnd williamsburg rd)
Too HOT to handle ! Stroke it to COOL off ! Petite Beautiful Country Blonde ! - 30
(Richmond & Surrounding Area)
I like to do things with my hips,lips&finger; tips incall, outcalls$$$$$special$$$ - 23
(Richmond, Willis rd out calls in calls)
27 yr old HOT BLONDE Sunday & Monday SPECIALS ... ~36C-25-36~ Highly Reviewed** Book NOW ** - 27
(West End)
Sun 05 Jan
Gorgeous VIP Kelly VISITING for the Discerning man that ONLY accepts the very BEST! NOW AVAILABLE - 26
Sexiest freak around Foxxy Roxxi Chanel! $ 80 specials!!! - 24
(Richmond, Richmond airport /incalls/outcalls)
Rain sleet or snow I'll make you feel 100 percent better~Amy ~Qvk 80 - 20
(Richmond, Richmond In- Calls)
°°❤°° Don't miss out on an adventure DownUnder with Ms. Elllie, Last Night! °°❤°°
(Downtown, Richmond)
BeaUTIFul,BLUe eyEd BArBie)!!! SwEEt SeXy and SEDUCTIVe available and Always ON TIME!!!*****! - 25
(Virginia Beach, va beach ,norfolk)
Asian Doll is Ready to Play 🐨 New to this state 😜 Last Day Here ❤ - 19
(Virginia Beach, Ocean Front/Norfolk Incalls ONLY 🌻)
Hey guys we have girls!!! - 18
(Danville, Harrisonburg, in?out, Lynchburg, Newport News, Richmond, Roanoke)
Gorgeous Bombshell BACK IN RICHMOND for Discerning Men that Prefer QUALITY. Fri-Sat ONLY - 25
(West End/ Innsbrook)
50special ❤o°•★ B€ÅUTIFUL ★•°o°•★ FLAWLESS ★•°o°•★ STUNNING ★•°o°•★ PLAYMAT€ ❤★ 50special ☆★♡♥ - 21
(Richmond, Richmond South)
Sat 04 Jan
easy going white female, 36DD, is the pictures or don't pay! 100% independent! - 35
(Hampton, virginia beach to williamsburg)
Sexiest freak around Foxxy Roxxi Chanel $60 early bird special - 24
(Richmond, Richmond airport /incalls/outcalls)
Sexy Blonde haired blue eyed bombshell located in Chesterfield!!! Incall Special!!! 7576671752 - 22
(Richmond, Richmond chesterfield area incall&out;)
Sexiest freak around Foxxy Roxxi Chanel! $70 specials!!! - 24
(Richmond, Richmond airport /incalls/outcalls)
Have u been waiting on a SEXY, YOUNG CATHOLIC GIRL Who has the skills of a adult film star? - 28
(Richmond, BROOK ROAD)
💎💋EXxOTiC KiTtEn!!💕💎🐾 POuNCe🐾oN ThiS PLaYfuL PLaYmaTe!!🐯MaKe mE PuRRRR🐾!!💋Hour SPECiALS💎 - 20
(Richmond, Richmond/commerce)
♡40$QV or 60$Hh SnOwD@Y Spcls @LL NiTe & E@rly MoRn w/AnGeL UR FaV LaTiNa BBW..LeT Me W@rm u Up♡♡ - 33
(Norfolk, Oceanview/ Incall Only at this time.)
:::::____ _____T_R_Y___ ___ _SOME THING__ ___ ____N__E__W____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____TS ARIEL - 23
(Richmond, west end)